Freshmen: A freshman (US,UK,India) (or sometimes fish, freshie, prep; slang plural freshmeat, frosh, infidels, or pichones) is a first-year student in secondary school, high school, college or university. The term first year can also be used as a noun, to describe the students themselves or others (e.g. They are first years).
College seemed like only a dream while I was in high school. High school was terrible for me, so I was more than overjoyed to leave it in the past. I attended USCB, University of South Carolina-Beaufort from 2012 to 2013. The location was beautiful. It was right at the coast down in the marshlands of South Carolina. However, the campus was tiny.
The freshmen class was maybe a hundred, maybe a hundred and eleven. If that. The college was not my first choice, I wanted to go to the University of South Carolina. However, I did not do well enough in high school to attend the university as a freshmen.
My family lives in Columbia, so I had to stay on campus and I wanted that college experience of living in a dorm. Even though the dorms at USCB were beyond nice. I lived on campus with four girls I did not know and we were a very unique group of roommates. Two were from Aiken, SC and knew one another from high school. One was a local from Beaufort and the other was from Pennsylvania. The dorm was pretty much like an apartment because there was a kitchen, laundry room, den, two bathrooms, and four bedrooms, so two girls had to share one room. Thankfully, I had my own room. The first night was very awkward due to the fact we knew nothing about each other, however, by the fourth night we were all talking and becoming friends.
My family lives in Columbia, so I had to stay on campus and I wanted that college experience of living in a dorm. Even though the dorms at USCB were beyond nice. I lived on campus with four girls I did not know and we were a very unique group of roommates. Two were from Aiken, SC and knew one another from high school. One was a local from Beaufort and the other was from Pennsylvania. The dorm was pretty much like an apartment because there was a kitchen, laundry room, den, two bathrooms, and four bedrooms, so two girls had to share one room. Thankfully, I had my own room. The first night was very awkward due to the fact we knew nothing about each other, however, by the fourth night we were all talking and becoming friends.
(I'm the awkwardly white girl in black)
However, by the end of the month I was singled out as the 'weird one' because I didn't want to go out and party with them. I kept to myself which was a mistake, I should have tried and become friends with them. I was so determined to leave the school and I focused all my attention on work. Yet, by the end of the year none of them were friends and I became very close with two of them, (girl on the far left with long hair and the blonde behind me). The short one was a good friend but she had her own group which was with the girl directly behind her.
I've learned a lot about being a freshmen, so here are so tips for all you new comers into the college world.
Mom, I forgot my favorite blanket!
Make sure you have everything you need packed if you are living in a dorm. Dorm living in most colleges isn't like USCB where you live in a four bedroom apartment with kitchen and den. You will most likely live within a brink room with one other person and have a hall bathroom. Make yourself a check list before you move out of your home because if you live out of state, it will probably be very difficult to get your stuff to your dorm. This is the list I used when I moved into my dorm.BFFS? Think Not.
~Never room with your best friend from high school. Living with someone and being someone's friend are two totally different things. Do you live with your best friend now? Most of you will think, no. Well, you don't know how they live at their house. So when you move in together in a small room, things might get heated around the spring semester.
Also, you need to meet new people. College is the chance to have new friends and start a new life. No one knows you or what you've done in the past. Become your own person and meet people you have stuff in common with! Because if you don't, I'm sure your best friend will.
Go to class!
I'm not your mother but you need to go to class. Some professors don't take attendance because the classroom is too big or just don't feel like it. However, if a lot of people don't show up to class then they might take attendance and give extra points to those who showed up. In smaller classrooms, they will take attendance and if you miss a certain number of classes, your grade will go down a letter grade. Most importantly, if you don't go, you will miss the lecture. Some professors post power points online, however, I would print it off and makes notes on the slide because most of the time the professor will make questions from power points, the book, and lecture.
Besides, you'll make friends going to class. And you don't want to be that kid that just shows up every now and then. Some people will probably question who you are and wonder if they are in the right class.
Besides, you'll make friends going to class. And you don't want to be that kid that just shows up every now and then. Some people will probably question who you are and wonder if they are in the right class.
Studying=key to success
The class work at USCB was pretty easy, for me at least, however I had some classes that were extremely difficult. I was a biology major until I found out how much dedication there was into it, and all the math that I had to take as well. So, I quickly changed my major to English/Secondary Education. As a liberal arts major I have to take three semesters of a foreign language, I choose Spanish since I took it in high school. Spanish was so difficult, we had homework every night and if you did not do the work, you would be left behind. I had to study everyday for Spanish or else I would have failed the class.Studying is the key. If your dorm is too loud then study outside or at the library.
(USCB's Hilton Head Gateway Campus Library)
I mean it. I didn't study at the library my first semester and I regret it. It's quiet and the atmosphere has a 'you have to get your work done' kinda mood. It's like the gym except you aren't working out, you are studying because everyone around you is studying. You don't need to go with friends because they will just distract you from your work. Seriously, be a smart freshmen and study at the library.
Always study in chucks, you aren't a Jedi/Sith Master so you don't have The Force on your side.
The only people who can write a paper might be English majors (like me) but I can only write 1-3 pages for a paper in one night. Forget a seven page paper in one night, you will just get a bad grade if you write a paper in a night. Always study in chucks and write papers in chucks. If you study in chucks this will help you to remember what you learned in class.
I also think you should study maybe 20-30 mins a day just so you can remember what happened in your class that day or you might forget what the professor said in class that day. I always underline passages I don't understand and look it up later. I also record my classes that way I can write extra notes. However, in some colleges it is illegal to do that (like mine) so I always place it behind my bookbag.
Thirsty Thursday?
I have no idea who came up with thirsty Thursday because some people have class on Friday. I'm not going to sit here and say, "oh you shouldn't drink till 21, follow the law." Everyone wants to be rebellious and cut lose. But, please read what I have to say about partying.
- Never drink with people you do not know! If you were to get drunk, you will lose all self-control of your surroundings and be an easy target for someone to take advantage of you. Even if you go out with friends, they are most likely to get drunk as well so they cannot help you. Drink with people you trust and know very well.
- If you do go out and all of you will be drinking. Have someone be a DD, that way you know you can go home with someone you know. If you can't pick a DD then call someone you know, but let them know ahead of time you are going out. No one likes to be a taxi for drunk people without knowing they were going out. Also, most colleges let college kids ride for tree in taxis as long as you have student I.D. on hand.
- Never leave your drink unattended because someone can put a roofie within your drink. This drunk will knock you out and allow date rape. A college in SC that is most known for roofies is Coastal Carolina, (no offense if you attend that school). Always watch your drink and take it with you when you go to the bathroom.
- 1 Drink=1 Glass of Water. This will help you to not get a hungover.
- Always eat before drinking.
Remember, if you drink a lot you might get a beer belly. So always work out the next day if you aren't hungover.
Freshmen 15 Is Legit.
Yes, the freshmen 15 is real and yes, if you don't listen to me, it will happen to you. When we go to college all of us want to do what we want because our mommies and daddies aren't there to tell us what to do. We become rebels in our own sense. So, one freedom is food. If you live in a college dorm you won't have a kitchen, so you will probably have to eat at the cafeteria or get food. The cafeteria isn't the best place to eat because of all the junky food. Here are some of my tips of avoiding the freshmen 15.
- Always walk to class. Most campuses are big and require you to walk a lot. So walk and burn off some calories while going to class.
- Take the stairs. Just do it.
- Take advantage of your college gym. I'm pretty sure every campus gym is free if you're a student. Why spend money to get a membership, go to the campus gym. Working out alone is good to stay focus on your workout. However, having a workout buddy is always a plus. Having motivation is always a good thing. So, try to make your friend get fit with you.
- Take advantage of fresh market days at school. At USC we have the farmer's market come to campus and sell fruits/veggies every Tuesday. I took advantage of this every week. I always love to eat an apple on my way to class. Also, they are locally grown and cheaper than buying at a grocery store.
- Avoid all fatty foods and grease. So no pizza, fried chicken, cookies, and everything good. That food is high in calories and fat as well. This is bad for your health, physical looks (acne and rashes at times), and your self confidence. Gaining weight sucks, so try to avoid it for your self confidence. Working out makes you feel good about yourself.
- Shop and always get healthy food. If you buy unhealthy food than you will eat it since it is in your dorm. Out of sight and out of mind.
Be Social!
Whoever said high school was the best time of your life was lying. College is the best time. You make great friends, become yourself, and so much more. Make friends, join clubs, go to parties, and just be social! Make the four years the best time of your life and just have fun!
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