Saturday, March 22, 2014

Rebellion IS Healthy.

Why Rebellion Is Healthy.

I read an article the other day about the cons of rebellion in teenagers and it really frustrated me. The writer stated that rebellion causes teenagers to do poorly in school and lose focus. I think it is time to hear from someone who DID rebel as a teenager.

Let me just start off saying that I have great parents, they both went to college and have noble professions. I was taught valuable lessons by them like respecting others, being kind, and so on. My father was an devoted Christian who took me to church every Sunday. However, my parents had very different ideas of who I should be. My father wanted me to grow up and not show off my body, he always bought clothes that were too big and that were to expensive for girls my age to wear. My mother wanted me to be the stereotypical prep (wear high heels, dresses, and bright colors). I did as I was told till 7th grade in middle school. 

Middle school was already awkward enough but it didn't help that I was a little overweight but the worst of all was that I didn't know where I belonged. I had my parents telling me who I should be. I had an realization that I wasn't being who I wanted to be! I didn't feel comfortable in bright colors or in heels. It wasn't me. I didn't feel like myself. I liked being creative, being outside, and I liked being in darker colors. As a teenager I didn't like being the center of attention and wearing bright colors made me seem like I wanted attention. Also, wearing preppy clothing made the "prep" crowd focus to me. Let me tell you sometime reader, that crowd is usually filled with the most narrow-minded, shallow, and down right meanest people in middle and high school. I couldn't stand being part of that crowd because I remember how they made fun of people who were labled as "goth" or "emo" and it was down right vile how they treated those people. One day I had enough and stood up for the 'outcasts' which caused me to be an outcast myself. It was fine with me. I was much happier wearing black and fitting in with the misfits. 

My parents weren't very happy with my sudden change of groups and condemned me for it which did not help me emotionally. However, they saw much happier I was and that made them happy. Rebelling made me realize who I was and what I wanted out of life. I found my passion for reading, sketching, and writing. I never saw my passions when I was someone I wasn't. That other crowd wanted to party and spend money. My crowd wanted to go driving, talk about the world, draw, etc. I would never know what I was good at if I didn't rebel and become friends with the misfits. 

Did I drink? Yes.
Did I smoke weed? Yes
Did I do things that were wrong? Sure.
Did I have an attitude problem? Sure, because I refused to be treated like a misfit. I was a person not a label.
Did I question things? Of course, that's a part of growing up.
Did I have a good high school experience? YES!  (to a certain degree)

I had friends and I found a place where I fit in. That's all that mattered. Every teenager wants to feel like they belong so let them be who they want to be! If they wanna dye their hair blue, let them. If they wanna get piercing, let them! It's better for them to do it now than when they are a adult. Let them be a teenager! They only have four years to be carefree and be a teenager. 

I had good morals unlike those in the 'popular' crowd who insulted people on a daily basis. It was sickening that people looked up to them when they made fun of those who were 'different'. I rebelled against the norm and I refused to let them bully people, however when I stood up for myself I was labeled the 'bully'. Tell me, who is the real bully? The people who insult those who are too shy to stand up for themselves or the person who stands up for the weaker?  

But let me tell you something, I am now 20 years old and attend a university with honors so obviously I came out okay. If teenagers don't experiment as teenagers they WILL rebel in college because other people are doing it. I stopped smoking weed at 18 because I realized how stupid it was and it made me overweight so I don't do it in college. Most people who NEVER smoked weed smoke weed in college because they want to try it. People who weren't allowed to rebel in their younger years will most likely rebel in the future. 

Rebelling is healthy because it allows the person to find out who they are and let them learn life lessons for themselves. Parents can tell them about life, but one must life life to understand and love it to the fullest. 

My Advice To Parents;

  1. Be there for your children. Let them know they are special and most of all loved. Let them know you accept their choices and will love them no matter what. If a teenager knows their parent will back them up no matter what is life changing.
  2. Let your child be who they want to be. You're the parent, you want your child to be happy, so let them! 
  3. Acceptance. Accept your child for all their faults and all of their positives. Do not tell your 'gothic' child you are embarrassed by their appearance because they will make your child feel horrible about themselves. Tell your child that you accept their likes and when you say it, you better mean it because chances are your child will know if you don't.
  4. Always encourage your child. If your child wants to dye their hair, let them. If you don't chances are they will do it anyway. Encouragement is needed for your child to do their best and if you have their back, they will want to make you proud. 

My Advice To Those Who Don't Feel Like They Belong;

  1. Never Be Who Don't Want To Be! I mean it, if wearing all black and going to graveyards make you happy, then do it. If wearing short shorts and tank tops makes you happy, do it! Don't be what others want you to be. You're making them happy, not yourself. You need to make yourself happy first. If you aren't happy with yourself than you will never fully love life.
  2. Find a crowd that you feel at home with. That can be from the (I use '' because I don't like labeling people) 'burn outs', 'goths', 'band kids', 'Hispanic kids', 'preppy kids', 'red necks', etc. If that group makes you happy, than that's all the matters! Surround yourself with people who make you happy and you will be happy as well. 
  3. Question EVERYTHING. That's right, do it. People question throughout history and found new answers. Question religion. Question everything. When you ask questions, you need to find an answer. Finding answers is part of growing up and realizing who you are as a person. You may find answers that change you and question yourself, but that is healthy and normal. Always question!
  4. Do what makes you happy! Life is way too short to not be happy. If dying your hair rainbow makes you happy, then do it. If you wanna skate all weekend, then do it. Life isn't meant to be miserable, you are meant to be happy. 
  5. Look yourself in the mirror and smile. You need to be happy in your own skin. You need to happy with yourself. Never listen to what others think about your appearance or your thoughts, be happy with yourself. Everyday look in the mirror and I want you to be happy with yourself. Because, if you're happy, that's all that really matters. 

Rebellion Helps People To Grow And Become The Person They WANT To Be! Rebellion Is Healthy!

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